The place I work is requiring us to get certification for the Microsoft AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals in order to start projects with our enterprise application because the company is moving into a hybrid model for our cloud services, I create this quiz to practice some of the questions that you can possibly get on the actual test.

I have scheduled my test with Pearson Vue next week, so I better practice. I search online for free practice questions but all I found were some website where they required to become a member and then possibly pay a fee. But here, its free, you can practice as much as you want. I am sure this site does not rack very well so not alot of people are going to find it, if you do, I would appreciate if you share with your co-workers in case they need to practice for free.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Microsoft and all rights are of their respective owner. My intent is to help you pass the exam.